Tuesday, May 15, 2012

I recently had an adventure in logo design.
The lovely ladies of GetBabied here in Austin asked me to make the logo for this year's upcoming Birth Awards. The design I made was nice, but, let's be honest, the typography I chose was rather boring.

That night, I made some half-assed mediocre attempts at type design. Not to say that they were bad. They just don't represent the Birth Awards or the birthing community in any way (which, thinking about it now, fits the very definition of a 'bad logo').

So the next day arrives, and I got a couple logo design books from Book People. Flipping through them gave me one of those Moments that artists love. Settling into a chair in the cafe, looking through my new books-- logo after logo-- I felt the Creative Energies swirling around in my brain.

It was a good reminder in "Oh yea, good art is geared toward its audience!" 
I was experimenting with making the B in Birth look like a mama-belly. We ultimately didn't use that design element because the GetBabied logo has a mama-belly for their B. 

And behold the final product:

1 comment:

Bob Dylan said...
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