Saturday, February 28, 2009

because thesis isn't enough work, let's start again from the beginning

So I've decided that doing the entire animation in one shot just isn't working out, and I just don't have enough time left to *make* it work. At a later point in my life, I'll go back in and make it all one shot again, but for now it has to change.

AAAAAH I going through my whole piece and reworking the camera! blah! I'm pretty sure there aren't words in the English language for how frustrating this is. But I have to make it look sexy in 5 days for the presentation.

Goals for March 6:
- finish camera changes
- put in all the textures and lights I have
- refine the animation in the first shot and the super magicky shot where the cat wraps itself around the old woman
- have render tests

If I can get the camera done and the first shot done by Monday I can totally handle the rest by Friday.

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